Schotel met taferaal


Schotel met op de achterkant een merkteken, trekt op AP. Opmerkelijk afdrukken van luchtbellen op achterkant


Is dit Delft en zo ja van welke periode. Hebt U een idee wie de mogelijke maker zou zijn.

30 cm

Reacties 1


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • More recent production technique After 1850, factories in and outside Holland developed more efficient and cheaper production techniques. This goes beyond the scope of this website. Read more
  • Hand-painted An important characteristic of authentic Delftware is that it is hand-painted. Printing techniques do not occur on this earthenware. Read more
  • Possibly false mark It is not always possible to confirm whether a mark is authentic, as ‘older’ marks were added to earthenware in the 19th century. Read more
  • Mark of a non-Delft pottery/factory The typical Delftware also inspires producers outside of Delft, but genuine Delftware has only been produced in Delft. Read more

Mogelijk gemaakt in Frankrijk rond 1900, wel in de sfeer van ouder Delfts.