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Not Delftware
Plate15 July 2024


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • More recent production technique After 1850, factories in and outside Holland developed more efficient and cheaper production techniques. This goes beyond the scope of this website. Read more
  • Mark of a non-Delft pottery/factory The typical Delftware also inspires producers outside of Delft, but genuine Delftware has only been produced in Delft. Read more


  • Schoonhoven

This piece is marked with the PS monogram and crown of the Schoonhoven Pottery (Plateelbakkerij Schoonhoven). Although I cannot tell you the exact age etc. (hopefully others will know more) I have linked the pottery mark above so you may inspect other pieces that might bear the same decoration and serial mark.

Not Delftware
Delftse koetjes21 July 2024


  • Not Delftware


  • Forged mark In the 19th century, a financial incentive arose to sell more new earthenware as antique Delftware, sometimes even bearing forged Delft factory marks. Read more


  • APK

Met dank aan reactie van Franky!

Lamp22 July 2024

Beste, bij het oploaden van dit item heeft u moeten aanvinken dat er niet naar waarde van objecten gevraagd mag worden op deze website. Deze vraag kan dus ook niet worden beantwoord.

De Grieksche A bord (1701-1722)26 June 2024


  • Delftware

Dank Patrick voor de koppeling met de eerdere upload!

Not Delftware
Vergiet22 June 2024


  • Not Delftware


  • Not earthenware Delftware is often confused with other types of ceramics, such as porcelain or creamware. Delftware is earthenware with a layer of tin glaze. Read more

Dank aan eerdere reacties!

Not Delftware
Bord17 June 2024


  • Not Delftware


  • Mark is stamped Marks on antique Delftware are always hand-painted. Stamps were not used until the late 19th century. Read more

Dank Jan voor het detail in de kroon, dat was mij anders ontgaan! Maar inderdaad, omdat het merk gestempeld is kunnen we antiek Delfts aardewerk uitsluiten.

Not Delftware
Grote Delfts ram schotel 30 May 2024


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • More recent production technique After 1850, factories in and outside Holland developed more efficient and cheaper production techniques. This goes beyond the scope of this website. Read more


  • N.V. Plateelfabriek Ram

Op basis van de opzet van het merk kan ik er zelf helaas verder niks over zeggen, maar wellicht weet een van de andere gebruikers van de website het. Wat ik u verder kan aanraden - als u dat niet al heeft gedaan - is via de Merkenindex voorbeelden van werk van Ram opzoeken. Wellicht herkent u de specifieke uitvoering van het merk daartussen.

Not Delftware
Cache pot8 May 2024


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • More recent production technique After 1850, factories in and outside Holland developed more efficient and cheaper production techniques. This goes beyond the scope of this website. Read more
  • Not hand-painted Due to historical research, we keep discovering more about the marks Delft potteries used. Would you like to learn more about these potteries? Read more

Met dank aan Franky en Jan v/d Heuvel

Not Delftware
Vierkante kom4 May 2024


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • More recent production technique After 1850, factories in and outside Holland developed more efficient and cheaper production techniques. This goes beyond the scope of this website. Read more
  • Mark is stamped Marks on antique Delftware are always hand-painted. Stamps were not used until the late 19th century. Read more

Het merk bestaat waarschijnlijk uit de cursief gestempelde tekst:



(...) (Mogelijk Holland??)

Not Delftware
Decanter 28 April 2024


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • More recent production technique After 1850, factories in and outside Holland developed more efficient and cheaper production techniques. This goes beyond the scope of this website. Read more
  • No mark visible No mark is visible in the photos. If it is present, please add some extra photos of the bottom or the back of the object.

Based on the pictures, this looks like 20th century ceramic production for the export market. The decanter features a windmill, which was sought after as a representation of the Dutch landscape. I cannot tell whether the windmill scene is handpainted or transfer print, but the material of the decanter definitely suggests modern production techniques where the clay is poured into moulds rather than handformed or thrown. This is a surefire indication of post-antique production in the 'Delft style'.