OUD delft vases


There are two vases with the OUD delft marks under it, each of them have a different signature.
The vases contain the same design. One has a much more colorful design compared to the other one whos seems to be bleached. Also on the second one the details seems to be missing.


1) Are the vases true OUD delft from the Nijmegen factory? Or are they fakes / copies?

2) How old would you estimate them to be?

Height = 28 cm

Reacties 2


  • Indeterminable


  • More recent production technique After 1850, factories in and outside Holland developed more efficient and cheaper production techniques. This goes beyond the scope of this website. Read more
  • Unidentified mark Not all marks found on earthenware have been identified. It could be a ‘new’ Delft mark! But it could also be a mark that was not used in Delft. Read more

The marks on the vases aren't the same normally used by Plateelbakkerij Oud Delft. The initials do not refer to the known painters of Oud Delft. It is unclear to me if this is an alternative or if the vases are made elsewhere. I would date them in the first half of the 20th century.