6 tiles


framed set of 6 tiles depicting a painting by L. Apol


The tiles present a mark on the lower left side. However, unlike your description of year idetification, there is one letter to the left of the mark ("L") but not to the right of it. On the lower right corner there is a signature and "naar L. Apol". I would like to know how I can date this piece which has been in my family for several decades. Thank you for your help.

30 cm x 45 cm

Reacties 2

The panel painter was Hendrik Christiaan Bottelier (1864 - Delft - 1924), his initials are before 'after L. Apol', he worked at De Porceleyne Fles from 1880 - 1924, in the Militieregisters of Delft his profession is described as Porcelain painter , at the birth of a daughter of his and his wife in 1892 in Delft his profession is described as Plateel painter, he died on 5 February 1924 in Delft, plateel painter, 59 years old. You should see the L as year identification, year 1890, greeting jvdh.