Small tray like dish with windmill and other decorations
Would like info on what type of tray it is, and explanation of markings
Approx 10x12
Reacties 4
Not Delftware
Not made in Delft
The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft.
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More recent production technique
After 1850, factories in and outside Holland developed more efficient and cheaper production techniques. This goes beyond the scope of this website.
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Not hand-painted
Due to historical research, we keep discovering more about the marks Delft potteries used. Would you like to learn more about these potteries?
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Unidentified mark
Not all marks found on earthenware have been identified. It could be a ‘new’ Delft mark! But it could also be a mark that was not used in Delft.
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Mark of a non-Delft pottery/factory
The typical Delftware also inspires producers outside of Delft, but genuine Delftware has only been produced in Delft.
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I wish I could tell you more about the mark, but I do not know it. It is a general tray, not specifically an ash-tray to my opinion. Maybe cute to place besides your front door and use it to (gently) deposit the car keys in when home. 😉
De redacteur de heer Aronson stelt dat dit niet handgeschilderd is, maar dat is onjuist, is wel degelijk handgeschilderd, gemaakt bij ''Plateelbakkerij Schoonhoven'' te Schoonhoven, tweede helft 20e eeuw, groet jvdh.
The editor Mr. Aronson states that this is not hand-painted, but that is incorrect, it is indeed hand-painted, made at ''Plateelbakkerij Schoonhoven'' in Schoonhoven, second half of the 20th century, regards jvdh.
Reacties 4
I wish I could tell you more about the mark, but I do not know it. It is a general tray, not specifically an ash-tray to my opinion. Maybe cute to place besides your front door and use it to (gently) deposit the car keys in when home. 😉
In reply to I wish I could tell you more… by Robert Aronson
Thank you!
De redacteur de heer Aronson stelt dat dit niet handgeschilderd is, maar dat is onjuist, is wel degelijk handgeschilderd, gemaakt bij ''Plateelbakkerij Schoonhoven'' te Schoonhoven, tweede helft 20e eeuw, groet jvdh.
The editor Mr. Aronson states that this is not hand-painted, but that is incorrect, it is indeed hand-painted, made at ''Plateelbakkerij Schoonhoven'' in Schoonhoven, second half of the 20th century, regards jvdh.
In reply to De redacteur de heer Aronson… by Jan van den Heuvel1562
Thank you very much!
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