De Winter


House and trees


Is an original Delft plate?


Reacties 2

Heeft niets met het authentiek delfts aardewerk  van circa 1650-1850 van doen, is nieuw, na 1973, niet handgeschilderd, zeefdruk (naar een oude voorstelling: Jan v/d Velde 1593-1641), gemaakt bij ChemKeFa (Chemische Keramische Fabriek) in Berg en Terblijt, provincie Zuid-Limburg, Nederland, groet jvdh.

Has nothing to do with the authentic delft pottery from around 1650-1850, is new, after 1973, not hand painted, silkscreen (after an old representation: Jan v/d Velde 1593-1641), made at ChemKeFa (Chemical Ceramic Factory) in Berg en Terblijt, province of South Limburg, the Netherlands, greeting jvdh.


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • Not hand-painted Due to historical research, we keep discovering more about the marks Delft potteries used. Would you like to learn more about these potteries? Read more
  • Mark of a non-Delft pottery/factory The typical Delftware also inspires producers outside of Delft, but genuine Delftware has only been produced in Delft. Read more