5 piece polychrome Delft garniture set
I was thinking that the mark looked like the mark for De Porcelyene Byl factory, but wasn't certain about the extra "V" of "R" nearby.
Wanted another opinion.
jars 12.5" H x 5.5" W
vases 8.75" H x 5.25" W
vases 8.75" H x 5.25" W
Reacties 8
Quite recently, an axe with a V has been added to the mark index. So, this is indeed a real set from De Porceleyne Byl ! https://www.delftsaardewerk.nl/merk/een-bijltje
In reply to Quite recently, an axe with… by Jeroen Hartgers292
Thank you!
I appreciate you pointing that out as I did not see that / them earlier.
Thanks for taking a look.
PS: You have to scroll all the way to the end.
Sadly, from the images provided, I am quite certain that this set is not original. Several factories produced imitation object from the time that Delft became a true collectible in the late 19th century. This set must have been produced around 1900 and surely they were looking to imitate a set from the De Bijl factory. 😖
In reply to Sadly, from the images… by Robert Aronson
My apologies, I feel quit silly and ashamed that I did not see it the first time.
In reply to My apologies, I feel quit… by Jeroen Hartgers292
Mr. Hartgers, this is not easy to see and it can be easily missed. Completely understandable. Thank you for your ever great support on this platform.
Mr. Aronson,
Thank you for taking a look.
What is the production technique that stands out as wrong / incorrect?
I appreciate your help.
In reply to Mr. Aronson, Thank you for… by conradmann@aol.com
Dear Mr. Mann,
This is difficult to explain; the colors are slightly harsher, the glazing a bit duller and the mark is a bit too sharp. It is ever so slight and as you see Mr. Hartgers, who also has seen a lot of Delftware, did not notice it at first. Have a look at the page on Delftsaardewerk.nl showing the other ‘De Bijl’ marks and see if you can tell te differences.
Best, Robert Aronson.
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