Decorated front back and spout number 231 on bottom, DOLFN. Holland handpainted
I am curious as to who makes this and if it is worth anything, if you could help that would be so good. I know my parents were in Holland for four years in the 70s. Purchased a set with cups and saucers
12” high, 10” across
Reacties 6
This was probably made at the NKI (Nederlandsche Keramische Industrie) in the city of Gouda. The factory was founded in 1947. It was probably made in the time that your parents lived in Holland. According to our T&C we do not discuss values on this platform, but don’t extend your spring holiday just yet.
In reply to This was probably made at… by Robert Aronson
Thaaaaaank you so very much. I guess since it isn’t worth anything, I will keep it around just to remind me of them and our fond memories of Holland.
(DOLFN. = Delfts. Is onduidelijk geschilderd.) Uw product heeft niets met NKI, Nederlandse Keramische Industrie, van doen, kroontje van NKI was opgebouwd door de letters N (links), K (midden), I (rechts). Ontwerp kroontje was van de plateelschilder Henk Hermenet (1931-1978). Groet, jvdh.
(DOLFN. = Delft. Painted indistinctly.) Your product has nothing to do with NKI, Dutch Ceramic Industry, the crown of NKI was made up of the letters N (left), K (middle), I (right). The crown was designed by the pottery painter Henk Hermenet (1931-1978). Regards, jvd.
In reply to (DOLFN. = Delfts. Is… by Jan van den Heuvel1554
Once I looked at the crown a little closer the letters do not look like NKI. What do you think they look like to you? I honestly had no idea what that symbol was anyway. Thank you so much for informing me
Als ik het goed begrijp ziet u de letters NKI niet in het kroontje, ik heb een schetsje gemaakt en zal het proberen het u te verduidelijken. De letter ’N’ helt naar links over en is ook naar links krom gebogen. De letter ’K’ staat rechts van het midden, de letter ’I’ staat rechts en is naar rechts krom gebogen. Doet er verder niet toe, want uw produkt komt niet van dit bedrijf, groet jvdh.
If I understand correctly, you will not see the letters NKI in the crown, I have made a sketch and will try to clarify it for you. The letter 'N' leans to the left and is also curved to the left. The letter "K" is to the right of center, the letter "I" is to the right and curved to the right. Doesn't matter, because your product does not come from this company, regards jvdh.
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