Large White and Yellow Flowers on one side with green foliage / smaller blue flowers and foliage .
Art Nouveau style border along the top edge and around the foot.
It is fully marked on the bottom but I am unfamiliar with some of the script and would like to know more about the artist and the date s was produced. Thanks so much!
Measuring approximately 8.5" tall x 5.75" diameter
Reacties 2
Uw vaas is gemaakt bij de beroemde ’Koninklijke Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland (1898-1964) te Gouda, vóór 1930, Jerko was de naam van een decoratie van het bedrijf, mogelijk in de jaren twintig van de vorige eeuw, de plateelschilder was mogelijk, maar niet zeker, Johannnes Gerardus Petrus Belt, de vaas heeft niets van doen met het Delfts aardewerk, groet, jvdh.
Your vase was made at the famous 'Royal Plateelbakkerij Zuid-Holland (1898-1964) in Gouda, before 1930, Jerko was the name of a decoration of the company, possibly in the 1920s, the pottery painter may have been, but not sure, Johannnes Gerardus Petrus Belt, the vase has nothing to do with the Delft pottery, regards, jvdh.
Thanks to Jan van den Heuvel for his bilingual and elaborate correct conclusion.
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