Large plate crudely decorated. White background with largely blue decoration but with additional green and orange/red. Central motif shows crude peacock and floral designs.
I'd like to know all I can please? Date, maker, style, etc.
It has a serious crack running through it and has in the past been stapled. Would this destroy any value it has?
33cm diameter
Reacties 3
This is a late 18th century Dutch or North-French production . These plates are very common and inspired by Chinese patterns.
Kind regards,
Thank you for your contribution R.L.A. Maes. In my opinion this plate is indeed made in Northern France, but later, in the 19th century or even early 20th century.
In reply to Thank you for your… by Femke Haitsma Mulier
Thank you for your input. In my opinion it's much too crude to be as late as you say. Transfer printing was pretty much everywhere by about 1860 and this is definitely hand painted. One can feel by the thickness of the glaze and it's irregularities that this earlier than you say. I think Mr Maes was right.
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