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In reply to All's well that ends well … by R.L.A. Maes689
Indeed! Thank you everybody for your contributions
In reply to Hello Kevin, Jeroen and… by Edwin van Drecht150
Hello Edwin. Thank you so much for your kind and informative help. (By the way just for accuracy, I made a mistype in my earlier email, my wife's father died in 2001, which is when she inherited the plates and took them to Jonathan Horne, which coincides with your recollection)
We think they are very attractive and will treasure them even more in understanding their history thanks to you and all the other "Super Users"
In reply to Hello Kevin, Somewhere they… by Edwin van Drecht150
Hello Edwin. You have an amazing memory, they are indeed the same plates you saw 24 years ago. The history is that my wife (who is now 78 as is I) remembers the plates from her childhood home in Dublin, Ireland. Where or how her father acquired them she does not know. When her father died in 1991 she inherited the plates and since we then lived in London, took them to Jonathan Horne for his opinion. She didn't know that he had consulted you, but he advised her that they were second half of the 17th Century but that the wooden frames were much later, probably late 19th century and should be removed because they probably had caused the then cracks. He also arranged to have them professionally restored.
The reason why we are making enquires now is that we are doing an inventory and I wanted to be certain that our memory of what she was told is correct. We would also like to know what the inscriptions mean, or are they makers marks?
In reply to (No subject) by Kevin46
Dear Suzanne
Many thanks to you and your colleagues for your interest in our plates . There are two plates but unfortunately I don't seem to be able to attach two photos so I will send two replies.
The plates are much more blue in real life. I think the background colour is affecting my photos. Our plates are similar in colour to the one shown in the reply from Franky Stevelink above.
Look forward to hearing from you