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Cache pots of vases (pair)30 January 2022
Cache pots of vases (pair)30 January 2022

In reply to by R.L.A. Maes692

Your field is fascinating. What school or institution have you studied with? 
i saw you were mentioned as an expert and would like to understand your background please.  Thank you for the comments and opinion too. 


Cache pots of vases (pair)30 January 2022

Thank you.
I do appreciate inclusion and hearing people’s point of view.  In this case though  I’m hoping we have bone fide pottery, faience and delft and porcelain experts as those who weigh in.  
is there anyone with that expertise seeing this? A Delft expert? 
many thanks. 

Tea Caddy 26 January 2022
Tea Caddy 26 January 2022

In reply to by Robert Aronson

I wondered if it were English too. The owner found it in Wales. 
how is it you would know if it were late 19th , or late 18th  century? 
your world is fascinating to me- detective work on beautiful found objects.

thank you for your ideas. Are you the editor of Delftsardewerk? 
I do have two more beautiful cachepot or vases to show   
I now wonder if these are Delft rather than a faience ware for France with Asian style painting- orange and blue _please see below-thanks Julie