Cache pots of vases (pair)


Hand painted pair if cache pot with. Ark on bottom.


Do you know if these are deltware or delft , made in Holland or in another country?
Any help to identify would be appreciated.
Also, what us their approximate age please?

5x5 inches

Reacties 7

Good evening,

I have a strong suspicion that these are imitations made in the early 20th century. France would be the number one suspect for Delft imitations. The mark on the bottom looks like a copy of APK, Adrianus Kocx from the Grieksche A.

I am still learning as well so hopefully someone else who is more knowledgeable than me on this website could confirm the authenticity.


Thank you.
I do appreciate inclusion and hearing people’s point of view.  In this case though  I’m hoping we have bone fide pottery, faience and delft and porcelain experts as those who weigh in.  
is there anyone with that expertise seeing this? A Delft expert? 
many thanks. 

This is a modern copy, probably French , XX th century, with a fake mark.

Kind regards,


Als antwoord op door R.L.A. Maes692

Your field is fascinating. What school or institution have you studied with? 
i saw you were mentioned as an expert and would like to understand your background please.  Thank you for the comments and opinion too. 


Als antwoord op door Possumhall1920

There is no school or institution to learn this. I was a keen collector of  Dutch tiles when I was a student and I  had the opportunity to help a reputed expert and dealer in Delftware and haute epoque.  Try to read and see as much as possible in museums, auction houses and fairs . Do not be afraid to ask dealers to share  their knowledge and experience. 




  • Niet-Delfts


  • Niet in Delft gemaakt Delfts aardewerk wordt alleen zo genoemd als het echt in Delft is geproduceerd. Lees meer
  • Vals merk In de 19de eeuw ontstaat een financiële prikkel om recenter gemaakt aardewerk te verkopen als antiek Delfts aardewerk, soms zelfs voorzien van valse Delftse fabrieksmerken. Lees meer

Copy, probably France, twentieth century. Fake mark APK of Pieter Kocx (Delft factory De Grieksche A, 1701-1722).