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In reply to Hello, For some kind of… by Edwin van Drecht152
i could not figure it out either so I loaded them as a separate item.
In reply to Dear WNenniger, If you… by Edwin van Drecht152
Thank you, I will look into the tile museum in Otterlo.
I have uploaded the other three tiles which are each quite different in quality and age, but similar in motif.
In reply to Tiles with birds painted… by Johan Kamermans
wow, thank you for sharing this resource!
In reply to Dear WNenniger, If you… by Edwin van Drecht152
#1- 5"x5"x1/2" tile" data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="d97021a5-7f10-4532-b4d3-b28c6f4cf80c" src="/sites/dadd/files/inline-images/20230202_141925.jpg" />
Thank you for your impressions. Sadly I never wrote down the memory my mother had of these tiles, but it is exciting to think that they might be so old.