Very large possible De Claauw charger?


A large blue and white Delft charger.


Are you able to confirm this is De Claauw or can you suggest another maker?
What is the approximate year of manufacture?
Thank you.

Diameter 72-1/2 cm or 28-1/2 inches

Reacties 7

It is a fairly good copy from the 19th century. I base this on the decoration, the color and the signature. All is a little bit ‘forced’. And the glaze is not shiny enough.

I would think after 1870, when there was a renewed interest in 18th Century decorative arts.


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • Hand-painted An important characteristic of authentic Delftware is that it is hand-painted. Printing techniques do not occur on this earthenware. Read more
  • Forged mark In the 19th century, a financial incentive arose to sell more new earthenware as antique Delftware, sometimes even bearing forged Delft factory marks. Read more