

Shallow Bowl possible a fruit bowl?


Who made this and time frame when produced

6" Diameter

Reacties 3


This has nothing to do with the authentic Blue Delft. Made by D.A.I.C. which mainly produces consumer goods. probably dated to around the end of the last century.

Dit heeft niets van doen met het authentieke blauwe delft. Is gemaakt door D.A.I.C. die vooral gebruiksgoed produceert. waarschijnlijk te dateren omstreeks eind vorige eeuw. 

Kind regards, Franky

In reply to by FrankyStevelinck757

Dank Franky! Ik kan zo gauw niks vinden over D.A.I.C., behalve dat er veel goederen te koop zijn op de buitenlandse markt. Weet jij of er ergens meer informatie online te vinden is voor toekomstige vragen? Groet! Lisa


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • More recent production technique After 1850, factories in and outside Holland developed more efficient and cheaper production techniques. This goes beyond the scope of this website. Read more

Although I also not entirely sure about the history of DAIC, it is as Franky stated, not original Delftware.