

A cream painted floral six sided vase with three patterned panels repeated once each, wider at the top than the base with a Delft hand painted mark on the bottom.


Does this vase have a true Delft mark and what is the approximate date of its production?
This vase was given to my mother by my father as an engagement present in 1939. It may have been bought new from Delft where they holidayed together or from their home town of
's-Hertogenbosh. It may have been selected from a collection in the home of my father's parents which would make it much older than 1939. They emigrated to Australia in 1950.

Height = 24.5cm
Width at base = 13cm
Width at top = 17.5cm

Reacties 6

This vase is part of a cabinet set and made at the old Delft pottery factory in Nijmegen. To be dated around 1930-1935. Hand painted and old technique with tin glaze. Oud Delft was one of the few that used the old technique until about 1938.


kind regards Franky

Thanks for the information and your quick response, Franky

I forgot to ask about the O, U and D marks. The timing fits perfectly and my father visited Nijmegen most years from 1931 so he was probably familiar with the Delft pottery factory. By 1939 my mother would have also been to Nijmegen with him so they may have seen the vase together before he bought it? My father kept many receipts for his purchases over the years, even from the Netherlands, but did not have one for the vase.

Best wishes, K

The marks means OUD (OLD). THis is part of the name "Oud Delft".

kind regards Franky

merk oud delft

merk 2 oud delft

Thanks Franky

I wonder if  these  'marks' may have been painted on tiles on the outside of the building in which the business was housed?  I have seen this done for other buildings in my research into the family history.

Your information is really appreciated, regards,  K



  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • Hand-painted An important characteristic of authentic Delftware is that it is hand-painted. Printing techniques do not occur on this earthenware. Read more
  • Mark of a non-Delft pottery/factory The typical Delftware also inspires producers outside of Delft, but genuine Delftware has only been produced in Delft. Read more

With thanks to Franky Stevelinck for his detailed response.