

Gevonden in een hoekje van de kringloop


Kan iemand mij vertellen of dit een echt bordje van de Klauw is en waar ik dit evt aan zou kunnen herkennen?


Reacties 3

Dank je wel voor je reactie, weer wat geleerd!


  • Not Delftware


  • Not made in Delft The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft. Read more
  • Tin-glazed earthenware Earthenware with a glaze to which tin oxide has been added to make it opaque white. Delftware produced before 1850 is always covered with a tin glaze. Read more
  • Hand-painted An important characteristic of authentic Delftware is that it is hand-painted. Printing techniques do not occur on this earthenware. Read more
  • Forged mark In the 19th century, a financial incentive arose to sell more new earthenware as antique Delftware, sometimes even bearing forged Delft factory marks. Read more

helaas niet authentiek