Question about the date and a producer of the plate


Could you please provide any information on period and producer of this Delft plate?


Reacties 3

This seems to me to be Delft pottery inspired by the 17th century Wanli kraak porcelain (1573-1619). Probably late 17th century, early 18th century. Factory and maker are unfortunately unknown to me.

At the bottom an image of the original Wanli ca 1600

Dit lijkt mij Delfts aardewerk geinspireerd op het 17de eeuwse Wanli kraakporselein ( 1573-1619). waarschijnlijk laat 17 eeuw, begin 18de eeuw. Fabriek en maker zijn mij helaas onbekend.

Onder een afbeelding van het originele Wanli ca 1600

kind regards Franky

wanli 1600

wanli 1600 back


  • Delftware


  • Delftware, made between 1620 – 1850 Only tin-glazed earthenware made in Delft between 1620 - 1850 is referred to as traditional Delftware. Read more
  • Tin-glazed earthenware Earthenware with a glaze to which tin oxide has been added to make it opaque white. Delftware produced before 1850 is always covered with a tin glaze. Read more
  • Hand-painted An important characteristic of authentic Delftware is that it is hand-painted. Printing techniques do not occur on this earthenware. Read more

Genuine Delftware, and as Franky Stevelinck already mention, inspired on Wanli porcelain. This plate can be dated between 1700 and 1750, but unfortunately I am unable to identify the producer of this plate.