Is this a false AK or does AK signify the year it was made (1915)?
13 inches
Reacties 6
That’s a fake mark as you mentioned. It’s not made by the Porceleyne Fles either who uses letters to signify dates.
Kind regards, Patrick
Thank you.
Not Delftware
Not made in Delft
The term Delftware is only used for earthenware actually produced in Delft.
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An important characteristic of authentic Delftware is that it is hand-painted. Printing techniques do not occur on this earthenware.
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Forged mark
In the 19th century, a financial incentive arose to sell more new earthenware as antique Delftware, sometimes even bearing forged Delft factory marks.
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Reacties 6
That’s a fake mark as you mentioned. It’s not made by the Porceleyne Fles either who uses letters to signify dates.
Kind regards, Patrick
Thank you.
In reply to (Geen onderwerp) by Femke Haitsma Mulier
Ik ben een beetje verward over de vertaling naar het Engels: naar uw mening, is dit handgeschilderd? Dank u voor uw hulp en expertise.
Your pleated dish is hand-painted, greetings jvdh.
Uw plooischotel is handgeschilderd, groet jvdh.
In reply to Your pleated dish is hand… by Jan van den Heuvel1520
Dank je wel.
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