Small vase


Old delft which seems original from the 18th century


Is this original? Is this a rare find?

18 CM

Reacties 5


Your vase is made by the Porceleyne Fles in Delft. The year code is R which stands for 1896, so it is made at the end of the 19th century. They are not that uncommon to find, I have two of these myself!

Kind regards,


  • Delfts


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  • Flesje JT

Thanks to PatrickW for the correct, although slightly disappointing determination. 

Thank you both for your replies. Much appreciated.

its an amazing piece which I enjoy.

Thought worth sharing with your wonderful community.

If I may ask, Why disappointing determination?



Als antwoord op door Evgeni Tzimmerman

It’s described in the book Royal Delft, a guide to De Porceleyne Fles by Rick Erickson on page 96:


I think disappointing in the sense that it is made more recent than you had in mind. Regarding the rarity, it’s purely my own observation, I’ve found two of these on ebay and I’ve seen them before on sale on another website.

Kind regards,
