Modern Vase


Atypical modern design vase with Delft markings. Purchased in 1966 on a trip to the Netherlands.


Does anyone recognize any of the marks on this vase?

8 1/2 inches/ 22 cm height
4 1/4 inches/ 11 cm top opening
2. 1/4 inches/ 6cm base

Reacties 4

Yes, that's a vase from the sandelfo collection which was designed and made by Herman Sanders at the Porceleyne Fles in Delft.

The dollar sign is Herman Sander's initial
CK is the year code for 1966
1743 is the collection code
The porceleyne fles' mark is the little jar with JT (Joost Thooft) and then Delft underneath

It's a nice and collectible item.

Als antwoord op door PatrickW453

Thank you, Patrick, for your prompt and thorough reply. I am glad that the mystery (and my vague recollection of the purchase of the vase) has been solved. I had searched every site in the U.S. that mentioned Delft without finding anything similar to my vase. I am so glad that you recognized the vase and shared your knowledge about its origin. Much appreciated. Jennifer

Als antwoord op door jdbrown@rochester

Hi Jennifer,

Not sure if you will see this comment since your initial post was 3 years ago.  I am a Herman  Sanders enthusiast (see my Pinterest board below). Your piece is one I have not yet seen anywhere. I would be interested in seeing a 360 degree view of it and to chat briefly. My contact is                            Thank you!




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