Large tankard or mug


Decorated with an abstract pattern


Please could you tell me if this is a genuine 3 bells mark and when the mug may have been made?
It feels good, there is crackle all over the glaze which is bluish with milky-white slightly pink patches on the base. My concern is the decoration is quite fuzzy but under a loupe there is no obvious sign of printing. So I am a little confused.
Thank you for your time and help. Sorry, I cannot speak Dutch, but I can read it if you wish to answer in Dutch - or German or French is also good.

17 cms high with an opening o nearly 12 cms

Reacties 2


  • Niet-Delfts


  • Niet in Delft gemaakt Delfts aardewerk wordt alleen zo genoemd als het echt in Delft is geproduceerd. Lees meer
  • Nieuwere productietechniek Na 1850 ontwikkelen fabrieken in binnen- en buitenland efficiëntere, goedkopere productietechnieken. Dit aardewerk valt buiten de scope van deze site. Lees meer
  • Handbeschilderd Een belangrijk kenmerk van authentiek Delfts aardewerk is dat het handgeschilderd is. Druktechnieken komen op dit aardewerk niet voor. Lees meer
  • Vals merk In de 19de eeuw ontstaat een financiële prikkel om recenter gemaakt aardewerk te verkopen als antiek Delfts aardewerk, soms zelfs voorzien van valse Delftse fabrieksmerken. Lees meer


  • Drie klokken

The crackle that you describe is actually a sign of the producer trying to age the object. This generally means that it is not as old as one is supposed to think. Copies were produced mainly after the 1880’s and probably most were done in France. The mark is a direct copy of a Delft factory mark and intended to mislead. 😞


Thank you so much for your help. I was very suspicious of the look of the decoration as it is different from my other pieces and I didn't want to mislead anyone when I sell it. I will describe it as a copy, possibly French.

I think I have something else with the same mark, I will compare them carefully and if necessary, ask for help again.  This is a great site and I really appreciate your assistance,

Best wishes, 
