

there are flowers on the vase and a sticker (Photo) and a mark below (other photo)


is this vase an original prroduct of an artist of Delft?

about 35 cm high

Reacties 3


  • Niet-Delfts


  • Nieuwere productietechniek Na 1850 ontwikkelen fabrieken in binnen- en buitenland efficiëntere, goedkopere productietechnieken. Dit aardewerk valt buiten de scope van deze site. Lees meer
  • Handbeschilderd Een belangrijk kenmerk van authentiek Delfts aardewerk is dat het handgeschilderd is. Druktechnieken komen op dit aardewerk niet voor. Lees meer

Unfortunately, most items that include the word 'Delft' or some spelling variation in the mark or signature were in fact not made in Delft. They were included to indicate the Delft style. You can find more information on this here: The sticker is too worn to indicate which factory this vase originated from, only that it seems Dutch, but of a later production period (20th century).

Als antwoord op door Lisa Whittle

Dear Team Delftsaardewerk,

thank You very much for Your answer. 

I know that this vase was bought about 1985, but not where. Know I learn that "Delft"  could also mean "Style like Delft".

Kind regards
