

clay tile with Amsterdam and crest on front, vase and TL on back


what is it and is it worth anything of value?


Reacties 8

It is a Cloisonne tile made by the Porceleyne Fles (Royal Delft) in Delft. TL is an abbreviation for Thooft and Labouchere, the previous owners of that factory.

On this website there are no valuations of items but if you google "cloisonne tile Amsterdam" than I am sure you will find what you are looking for.

They were produced from 1907 until 1977, I have found a similar one to yours and that one was from around 1945. I guess yours is from the 1940s-1950s as well.

Als antwoord op door PatrickW438

you DID find one? I have looked through pages and pages online and not found one Amsterdam one. My father was born in Amsterdam. My parents both came from Holland, on different boats, different years. I have quite a few pieces of delft and am just trying to find out more about them. My aunt, who passed within the last couple of years, gave me pieces that I think are very old. She was 96 when she died.



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