Peacock feather decor with a yellow rim, quite damaged. There’s a little hole filled with some glue-like material.
The mark is 3 bells, is this the authentic one? I don’t see many of them. Is this decor from the “boeren Delft” kind?
Reacties 3
This is a so-called peacock plate or tuber board, made at the three bells around the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. On glaze painting, proens and glass stained glass edge which is typical of that period. So yes, authentic Delft pottery.
As far as the filling is concerned, I don't really have an explanation. Anyone tried making hanging holes and refilled them? Error in baking? Possibly someone here knows the explanation for this.…
Dit is een zogenaamd pauwenbord of knollenbord, gemaakt bij de drie klokken omstreeks eind 18de eeuw begin 19de eeuw. Op glazuurbeschildering, proenen en glasbrandrand wat typerend is voor die periode. Dus ja, authentiek Delft aardewerk.
Wat de vulling is de proenen betreft heb ik niet echt een uitleg. Iemand geprobeerd ophanggaatjes te maken en opnieuw opgevuld? Fout bij het bakken? Mogelijks weet iemand hier de uitleg hieromtrent.
kind regards Franky
In reply to This is a so-called peacock… by FrankyStevelinck735
Thank you very much Franky! As always your inputs are very educational and I learn something new! 💙
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