Pot with Lid


This is a bowl with a lid. The bowl seems old and mottled. The lid seems whiter. There are two indentations in the lid and a knob, and the lid fits onto the bottom/bowl.


The three marks seem different to those I have seen. They are crosses not stars. Please can anybody advise me of the age and if there is any value. My ancestors lived in Amsterdam prior to 1750!

11 cm diameter, 7 cm deep

Reacties 3

Your tub has nothing to do with the authentic delftware from circa 1625 to about 1850. It is new, made at the art pottery factory '' De Delftse Pauw '' located in Rijswijk, province of South Holland in the Netherlands, a few hundred meters from the municipal border from Delft. The company started in 1954. Your tub and lid are hand-painted, underglaze painting, the so-called new technique, the tub and lid may not have been painted by the same pottery painter (es), greetings jvdh.

Als antwoord op door Jan van den Heuvel1562

Thank you.   It was the marks being different to the asterisk - they are just crosses - that made me wonder if it was new or old.   At least I know now it can go on ebay for a small amount!  I assume less than £10/E10 probably!


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