

De Pauw Garniture Set, it’s 27cm high,


I would like to know what year this was made, any information about this set will be greatly appreciated. Do you think this is rare set?

27cm h

Reacties 3


I’m afraid this set is a (French) copy with a fake mark. Most likely made in the early 20th century.

Kind regards, Patrick 

Hello, I completely agree with Patrick.

The peacock, among other things, is one of the most forged/copied items when it comes to Delft pottery. The mark, colors, etc. do not match the original. Below are the marks that were used in the period 1705-1725. These could be different in an earlier or later period

(source: part 5 Delfts aardewerk by Jonkvrouwe DR. C.H. De Jonge)

.Kind regards, Franky




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Thanks for sharing this set.

It is indeed a French copy with a fake 'de Paauw' mark, made in the early 20th century.