Delft barber’s bowl


Delft barber’s bowl


Could you please provide me with further information about the barber’s bowl in the two photos below? It belonged to my Dutch maternal grandparents, it is in perfect condition, and I presume (correctly? incorrectly?) that it is Delft and could be from the eighteenth century. I would value any assistance you can give.


Reacties 3

It is a 19th century copy of a Delft “flower basket” barber bowl, that was predominantly made around 1750. There were four factories that made plates, dishes, barber bowls, oil and vinegar sets, teapots and tea caddies with this design: Jacob De Milde, owner of de Paeuw, Jan Theunis Dextra of De Grieksche A, Johannes Van Duijn of De Porceleijne schotel and also Pieter Paree of De Metaale Pot.

De rims of these were mostly orange or brown, in imitation of certain Chinese porcelain. The ones from the Grieksche A were usually dark brown “gebruijneerde rande” and the others orange.

Your barber bowl is to imitate a bowl from De Paeuw, but the mark and other elements are not correct.

Als antwoord op door Jeroen Hartgers293

Dear Jeroen Hartgers,

Many thanks for your helpful and detailed reply.  Given the perfect condition of the barber’s bowl with no chips around the rim, I had my doubts about a claimed 18C provenance. Thank you again,

Maaike Knottenbelt 


  • Niet-Delfts


  • Niet in Delft gemaakt Delfts aardewerk wordt alleen zo genoemd als het echt in Delft is geproduceerd. Lees meer
  • Vals merk In de 19de eeuw ontstaat een financiële prikkel om recenter gemaakt aardewerk te verkopen als antiek Delfts aardewerk, soms zelfs voorzien van valse Delftse fabrieksmerken. Lees meer


  • D-PAUW Vals

Thanks to Jeroen for the explanation! Still an interesting piece, especially with regards to the provenance. I hope you still enjoy it!