Medium Vase


Medium Vase


Can anyone give me any information about this item?
When was it made and in any particular factory .


Reacties 2

This has been made by De Delftse Pauw, founded in 1954 by Theo van Tienen . Most probably mid sixties

From 1954 to 2021, De Delftse Pauw was a pottery factory located in the Dutch province of South Holland, in Rijswijk on the Delftweg along the Delftsche Vliet. This is north of the center of Delft near the municipal border with Rijswijk. It was one of the few pottery factories that continued the tradition of completely hand-painted Delft pottery.


  • Niet-Delfts


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  • Nieuwere productietechniek Na 1850 ontwikkelen fabrieken in binnen- en buitenland efficiëntere, goedkopere productietechnieken. Dit aardewerk valt buiten de scope van deze site. Lees meer
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With thanks to the details given by Franky Stevelinck