Little windmill in great condition but missing fan blades
Authenticate or not?
About 2-3 inches
Reacties 6
Heeft niets met authentiek delfts aardewerk van doen, is nieuw, handgeschilderd, onderglazuurschildering, de zogenaamde nieuwe techniek, gemaakt bij Kunstaardewerkfabriek ’Velsen’ te Sassenheim, provincie Zuid Holland, Nederland, na 1950, het bedrijf stopte in 2002/2003. Uw molen is van het type ’grondzeiler’ (schrijver dezes is geboren in een (tot woonhuis verbouwde) windwatermolen, grondzeiler, vijzelmolen, Zuidplas, provincie Zuid-Holland, ooit in bedrijf gesteld in 1836, er stonden er 23 stuks, één restant nog aanwezig), groet jvdh.
Has nothing to do with authentic delft pottery, is new, hand-painted, underglaze painting, the so-called new technique, made at Kunstaardewerkfabriek 'Velsen' in Sassenheim, province of South Holland, the Netherlands, after 1950, the company stopped in 2002/2003. Your mill is of the 'ground sailer' type (this author was born in a wind water mill (converted into a house), ground sailer, auger mill, Zuidplas, province of South Holland, once put into operation in 1836, there were 23 units, one remains. present), greetings jvdh.
I'm not sure I understand, it might be a translation problem. Are you saying it is new ? Because this was found at the bottom of a excavation over 2 meters deep in undisturbed ground. Is there anyway I can take this to someone to test it for its age maybe ?
Hello jan, this might be a translation problem, I'm not sure what you mean by new, this was found at the bottom of a 2.5 meter deep hole in undisturbed ground. Is there anyway for me to get this tested for its age maybe ? Also you mentioned 23 of these were manufactured and one remains, are you referring to this one or this would be the second one you are aware of ?
Hi Reece,
The mark on your windmill is indeed unmistakably from kunstaardewerkfabriek 'Velsen' in Sassenheim, the Germans made the factory move from Velsen to Sassenheim in 1942. So it is simply not possible for it to be older than 1942 so Jan is correct about his age estimation.
Regarding the 23, he refers to his house being an old converted windmill of which there were 23 originally and only his one remained.
I can understand the excitement of unearthing a rare Delft piece but I'm afraid your windmill is not rare, old or even considered real Delftware.
Het merkteken werd in 1950 ingevoerd, beginnend met modelnummer 1001, en zo verder oplopend, uw molen heeft modelnummer 1624 of 1627, dus kan hij zelfs wel uit de jaren 60 zijn, zie ook Groet jvdh.
The mark was introduced in 1950, starting with model number 1001, and progressing like that, your mill has model number 1624 or 1627, so it may even be from the 60s, see also Salute jvdh.
Niet in Delft gemaakt
Delfts aardewerk wordt alleen zo genoemd als het echt in Delft is geproduceerd.
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Een belangrijk kenmerk van authentiek Delfts aardewerk is dat het handgeschilderd is. Druktechnieken komen op dit aardewerk niet voor.
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Merk van niet-Delftse plateelbakkerij/fabriek
Het typische Delfts aardewerk inspireert ook producenten buiten Delft, maar écht Delfts aardewerk is alleen in Delft gemaakt.
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Reacties 6
Heeft niets met authentiek delfts aardewerk van doen, is nieuw, handgeschilderd, onderglazuurschildering, de zogenaamde nieuwe techniek, gemaakt bij Kunstaardewerkfabriek ’Velsen’ te Sassenheim, provincie Zuid Holland, Nederland, na 1950, het bedrijf stopte in 2002/2003. Uw molen is van het type ’grondzeiler’ (schrijver dezes is geboren in een (tot woonhuis verbouwde) windwatermolen, grondzeiler, vijzelmolen, Zuidplas, provincie Zuid-Holland, ooit in bedrijf gesteld in 1836, er stonden er 23 stuks, één restant nog aanwezig), groet jvdh.
Has nothing to do with authentic delft pottery, is new, hand-painted, underglaze painting, the so-called new technique, made at Kunstaardewerkfabriek 'Velsen' in Sassenheim, province of South Holland, the Netherlands, after 1950, the company stopped in 2002/2003. Your mill is of the 'ground sailer' type (this author was born in a wind water mill (converted into a house), ground sailer, auger mill, Zuidplas, province of South Holland, once put into operation in 1836, there were 23 units, one remains. present), greetings jvdh.
Als antwoord op Heeft niets met authentiek… door Jan van den Heuvel1554
I'm not sure I understand, it might be a translation problem. Are you saying it is new ? Because this was found at the bottom of a excavation over 2 meters deep in undisturbed ground. Is there anyway I can take this to someone to test it for its age maybe ?
Hello jan, this might be a translation problem, I'm not sure what you mean by new, this was found at the bottom of a 2.5 meter deep hole in undisturbed ground. Is there anyway for me to get this tested for its age maybe ? Also you mentioned 23 of these were manufactured and one remains, are you referring to this one or this would be the second one you are aware of ?
Hi Reece,
The mark on your windmill is indeed unmistakably from kunstaardewerkfabriek 'Velsen' in Sassenheim, the Germans made the factory move from Velsen to Sassenheim in 1942. So it is simply not possible for it to be older than 1942 so Jan is correct about his age estimation.
Regarding the 23, he refers to his house being an old converted windmill of which there were 23 originally and only his one remained.
I can understand the excitement of unearthing a rare Delft piece but I'm afraid your windmill is not rare, old or even considered real Delftware.
Het merkteken werd in 1950 ingevoerd, beginnend met modelnummer 1001, en zo verder oplopend, uw molen heeft modelnummer 1624 of 1627, dus kan hij zelfs wel uit de jaren 60 zijn, zie ook Groet jvdh.
The mark was introduced in 1950, starting with model number 1001, and progressing like that, your mill has model number 1624 or 1627, so it may even be from the 60s, see also Salute jvdh.
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