A pair of vases


These vases, from the marks on the base, are a pair.


Would you kindly be able to give me any information. Date? Where they were made? I have looked at all the markings you provide but the markings on the base of these vases does not appear to correlate with any of them.

20 cms tall

Reacties 5

These vases are made in the last quart of the  XIXth century, probably in Northern- France.  Mark ?

They are inspired by Dutch Delftware.

Kind regards,


Als antwoord op door R.L.A. Maes672

That is so helpful; thank you.  I was told by an auction house that they were Delft vases - but from what you say, they are not!  Very interesting - and I will continue my hunt to find where, in northern France, they might have been made!  Very many thanks.


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