

3 sailboats with 1 rowboat


I can't interpret the marks

6x6 inches

Reacties 6


Made by the Porceleyne Fles in Delft in 1892 (year code N). The painter’s initial is on the left of the trademark. Under the jar you see JT, which stands for Joost Thooft, the owner of the factory.

Kind regards, Patrick 

Als antwoord op door PatrickW448

Thank you very much Patrick. I forgot to include the picture of the signature at the bottom of the tile. Does this change anything?

Thanks, Tom TSignature  


No, "Naar" means after, so the tile is copy of a painting made by the name written there (I struggle to read the surname).

Kind regards, Patrick


  • Delfts


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  • Flesje JT

I read the inscription as "naar (after) M. Schouman", which might refer to the Dutch marine painter Martinus Schouman. 

'Hi Tom, perhaps it is usefull. The painter is: A.C. van Bergen van der grijp ( 1889 - 1918)

Best wishes, Nico