Delft charger


See photos of this charger or deep dish that I have just got. It is 14 ins across and 2 ins high. Damaged as photos. I assume Delft, but where and what date. I can tell it's at least early 18th cent, but could be a lot earlier. Do you think those are strange faces? What is that cut line under base. Note the 2 places where it stood on the kiln, but can't find a 3rd. Best, Paul Harrison


Where, when and what factory made it

14 ins across by 2 ins high

Reacties 4


  • Delfts


  • Delfts, tussen 1620 – 1850 gemaakt Alleen aardewerk met tinglazuur dat tussen 1620 – 1850 in Delft is gemaakt, wordt als traditioneel Delfts aardewerk aangeduid. Lees meer
  • Tinglazuuraardewerk Aardewerk met een glazuur waaraan tinoxide is toegevoegd om het dekkend wit te maken. Delfts aardewerk van vóór 1850 is altijd voorzien van tinglazuur. Lees meer
  • Handbeschilderd Een belangrijk kenmerk van authentiek Delfts aardewerk is dat het handgeschilderd is. Druktechnieken komen op dit aardewerk niet voor. Lees meer

This is surely a nice 18th century, what we call, charger. There is no set definition for the term charger, plate or dish. The third spur mark should be in the area of the broken out section. The cut in the foot rim is from the hook they would us to pull the dish through the glazing tub.

Glazing of Delftware from Paape

Thanks, but where was it made. UK or perhaps Holland. This is the most important part, Paul.