Large Vase with lid with lion on top


Lovely intact vase with lid with lion on top. Heirloom from great grandmother who lived in Cleve. Perfect condition Blue and white patterns, symmetrical . Handpainted. Signed ARK under the glaze.


Is this a valuable delft vase? Can it be sold at auction?

50 cm height 90 cm circumference

Reacties 3

Dear Regina,

I’m afraid the vase is a copy with a fake mark (APK) from Pieter Kocx:

A few things immediately give this away such as the colours, the mark and the glaze.

Kind regards, Patrick 

Als antwoord op door PatrickW457

Dear Patrick,

I greatly appreciate your professional assessment. I thought as much . 

Now I have to consider what to do with it! I assume it has no value on the market. Perhaps some other relative would be interested.

Thank you for taking the time and trouble to answer my query. 

Best regards,



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