Two plates the same that were left to me by a relative.
What can you tell me about them please.
Reacties 5
Seems to me that it's authentic delft ware made by pottery De Paauw (The Peacock) it's a Dinner Plate with Royal Arms of England , James II, 1698. Tin-glazed earthenware (delftware). if you have two of them you have indeed rare plates. On this site we can't give estimations of value but maybe with this link you can find out more .
Many thanks Franky. I hope to discover more about the plates.
Many thanks to Franky for finding out the history behind the coat of arms. I have had a quick look to see if I could find more examples and I found this one, which is also made by the De Paauw factory in Delft:
A couple of things I noticed:
- Your plates don't have the D-PAUW factory mark on the back, instead they have what looks like an xx?
- The shape of your plates are different, including the indents on the rim.
- The glaze is very shiny, quite a difference from the other two examples.
I think your plates are not made by the De Paauw factory in Delft for these reasons. Unfortunately I don't know if they are original or where else they could have been made. Hopefully one of the experts could shine a bit more light on that.
Unfortunately I can say that your 2 plates are 20th. century replicas.
Niet in Delft gemaakt
Delfts aardewerk wordt alleen zo genoemd als het echt in Delft is geproduceerd.
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Nieuwere productietechniek
Na 1850 ontwikkelen fabrieken in binnen- en buitenland efficiëntere, goedkopere productietechnieken. Dit aardewerk valt buiten de scope van deze site.
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Merk is gestempeld
Merken op antiek Delfts aardewerk zijn altijd handgeschilderd. Stempels werden pas in de late 19de eeuw gebruikt.
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I'm afraid Edwin is right. The glaze and mark are modern and industrial made. You can recognize the clear crackle in the glaze and the base or foot is smooth and white. But this type of plate actually does exist in old delftware and is probably English. So it is a copy.
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Reacties 5
Seems to me that it's authentic delft ware made by pottery De Paauw (The Peacock) it's a Dinner Plate with Royal Arms of England , James II, 1698. Tin-glazed earthenware (delftware). if you have two of them you have indeed rare plates. On this site we can't give estimations of value but maybe with this link you can find out more .…?
very nice items
mvg Franky
Als antwoord op Seems to me that it's… door FrankyStevelinck756
Many thanks Franky. I hope to discover more about the plates.
Many thanks to Franky for finding out the history behind the coat of arms. I have had a quick look to see if I could find more examples and I found this one, which is also made by the De Paauw factory in Delft:
A couple of things I noticed:
- Your plates don't have the D-PAUW factory mark on the back, instead they have what looks like an xx?
- The shape of your plates are different, including the indents on the rim.
- The glaze is very shiny, quite a difference from the other two examples.
I think your plates are not made by the De Paauw factory in Delft for these reasons. Unfortunately I don't know if they are original or where else they could have been made. Hopefully one of the experts could shine a bit more light on that.
Kind regards,
Als antwoord op Many thanks to Franky for… door PatrickW453
Unfortunately I can say that your 2 plates are 20th. century replicas.
I'm afraid Edwin is right. The glaze and mark are modern and industrial made. You can recognize the clear crackle in the glaze and the base or foot is smooth and white. But this type of plate actually does exist in old delftware and is probably English. So it is a copy.
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