It is certainly possible to restore this dish but an honest / simple restoration will costs you more than 50 dollars. The value will not get any higher after a restoration, maybe even less as it is still a restored dish. This kind of Delft dishes are not rare and still easy to get, even in perfect condition for a price which is not much more than a proper restoration. Advice: Gently clean the dish with some soap and enjoy as it is, it is an 18th. piece of Delft. The over paint on the reverse side you can easily remove with a raisor blade after you put the dish in hot water for an hour or so. Good luck, Edwin van Drecht.
Thanks for the prompt response and sharing your knowledge so freely.
I definitely don’t want to sell either of the pieces – they have been in my family forever! I wanted to know what they are and if there is anything I should do to preserve them
I live in South Africa so having any work done would require me to take them to the Netherlands on a visit, so your advise is greatly appreciated and I will definitely follow it.
Thanks so much again.
Regards Mary-Anne Savage
Delfts, tussen 1620 – 1850 gemaakt
Alleen aardewerk met tinglazuur dat tussen 1620 – 1850 in Delft is gemaakt, wordt als traditioneel Delfts aardewerk aangeduid.
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Aardewerk met een glazuur waaraan tinoxide is toegevoegd om het dekkend wit te maken. Delfts aardewerk van vóór 1850 is altijd voorzien van tinglazuur.
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Een belangrijk kenmerk van authentiek Delfts aardewerk is dat het handgeschilderd is. Druktechnieken komen op dit aardewerk niet voor.
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Geen merk te zien
Er is op de foto’s geen merk zichtbaar. Mocht die wel aanwezig zijn, voeg dan wat extra foto’s van de onder- of achterkant van het object toe.
Als een voorwerp geen merk heeft, betekent dit niet meteen dat het geen Delfts aardewerk is. Ongeveer 1/3 van al het Delfts aardewerk heeft maar een merk.
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Reacties 5
Hello, Yes, this is an original Dutch Delftware larger dish / charger. Date 1700-1740.
Unfortunately damaged and partly oversprayed with paint / overpainted.
Regards, Edwin van Drecht.
Als antwoord op Hello, Yes, this is an… door Edwin van Drecht152
Thanks so much for the quick response.
Do you know if it is possible to restore it, and of so, is it worth doing?
Regards Mary-Anne
Als antwoord op Thanks so much for the quick… door Mary-Anne
Dear Mary-Anne,
It is certainly possible to restore this dish but an honest / simple restoration will costs you more than 50 dollars. The value will not get any higher after a restoration, maybe even less as it is still a restored dish. This kind of Delft dishes are not rare and still easy to get, even in perfect condition for a price which is not much more than a proper restoration. Advice: Gently clean the dish with some soap and enjoy as it is, it is an 18th. piece of Delft. The over paint on the reverse side you can easily remove with a raisor blade after you put the dish in hot water for an hour or so. Good luck, Edwin van Drecht.
Als antwoord op Dear Mary-Anne, It is… door Edwin van Drecht152
Hi Edwin
Thanks for the prompt response and sharing your knowledge so freely.
I definitely don’t want to sell either of the pieces – they have been in my family forever! I wanted to know what they are and if there is anything I should do to preserve them
I live in South Africa so having any work done would require me to take them to the Netherlands on a visit, so your advise is greatly appreciated and I will definitely follow it.
Thanks so much again.
Regards Mary-Anne Savage
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