Depicting profile of man and on the other vase, of a woman. Letters P V O. Both bottoms with manufacturer's blue mark under glazing, one with a blue x under glaze, looks like De Klaauw. The bottom of one vase with pen written label Cornelia Van Schoonhoven.
Is the mark a false or authentic De Klaauw mark? And what would the x be?
Height 15 cm
Reacties 5
I think both are replica's with a fake mark.
Crackle does not appear on authentic pottery, the figures and decoration are painted too sloppily, the lower edges (with curls) clearly differ far too much, etc. Also the brand is not consistent. The porceleyne claauw was founded in 1661 by Cornelia van Schoonhoven and her two sisters Maria and Elisabeth. Cornelia probably died in 1671. In that short period of time, Cornelia signed with C.v.S with a claw in the process. The X is nowhere to be found.
The trademark was only registered in 1764 by Lambert Sanderus. The claauw is one of the most counterfeited.
more info :
Under : authentic vase. Pay attention to the details, the colors, the color and thickness of the pottery and especially the glaze. This vas is 18th century
Kind Regards Franky
In reply to I think both are replica's… by FrankyStevelinck710
Dear Franky, thank you so much for your prompt and precise reply! The differences are HUGE. Thank you for the photo, too. I asked an opinion here as hadn't seen any Klaauw objects before - and evidently have not so far either.
Kind regards, Nani
Hello Nany J,
As Mr. Franky said, I agree! Your both vases wit PVO = Prince of Orange and PO= Pricess of Orange are both Fakes and also have a FAKE mark, Date; 20th century.
In reply to Hello Nany J, As Mr. Franky… by Edwin van Drecht147
Dear Edwin, thank you for your comment! I am both embarrassed and glad I asked in this forum, now that I see the big differences. I had read the mark is often counterfeited, so just had to know. Thank you very much for your time and expertise!
Kind regards, Nani
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