Dish with " Tea Tree" decoration


Blue and white Delft dish


Could you please help me to identify the maker of this dish?

About 35 cm

Reacties 20


I̶ t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ t̶h̶e̶ m̶a̶k̶e̶r̶ y̶o̶u̶’r̶e̶ l̶o̶o̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ f̶o̶r̶ i̶s̶ Q̶u̶i̶r̶i̶n̶u̶s̶ M̶e̶s̶c̶h̶, f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ q̶u̶a̶r̶t̶e̶r̶ o̶f̶ t̶h̶e̶ 1̶8̶t̶h̶ c̶e̶n̶t̶u̶r̶y̶.*

Kind regards, Patrick 

*Edited based on the discussion below.

  • Quirinus Mesh was born  20 augustus 1677 in Delft, Zuid-Holland, Nederland NL, Nieuwe Kerk. Date of death not known
  • profession : plateelschilder.

He was married with Margaretha den Appel.

He has painted numerous beautiful pieces, both in blue and polychrome. Below is an example from my collection of a peacock plate by his hand.

In 1709 Quirijn became a shopkeeper in succession to Johannes Jansz. van der Wal at the Greek A.

The three bells (1670-1725) and 't hart (1661-1745) were also operated by the Mesh family. ( Joris and Jacob).

kind regards Franky

quirinus mesh pauwenbord polychroom

mesh merk


This not a production of Querinus Mesch . Your plate dates from the end of the 18th century. The peacock dish dates from around 1800-20 .  I have a similar peacock dish in my collection with the same mark in red wich also dates around 1800.

Kind regards,


In reply to by PatrickW421

Het is zoals  Mr. Aronson schrijft : het merk wordt toegeschreven een Mesch maar er is verder onderzoek nodig. Het is echter onmogelijk daar de stukken allemaal veel later zijn. Hierbij nog een schotel ca. 1800 met een MQ merk.Schotel ca. 1800-20. QM merk.


A Dutch Delft blue and white tobacco jar and copper cover has been auctioned at Christies november 2003 (Duinkerker)


tabaco jar MQ

A second one seems to be made in the same period. Both marked M:Q


Agreed! Plus the fact that I have never seen  a Delft mark where the first name and last name are turned around. AK for Adriaen Kocx, LVE for Lambertus Van Eenhoorn, PK for Pieter Kam, VH voor Van Hoorn, SVE for Samuel van Eenhoorn, IH for Jacobus Halder, AK* for Albert Kiel, LC for Lambertus Cleffius, GVS for Geertruy Verstelle, ITD for Jan Theunis Dextra, IDM for Jacobus De Milde. I understand that this does not prove anything as there could be exceptions, but to my knowledge it would be the first. So maybe we are looking for a Marcus or a Matthias or another first name with M.?

After some research, I keep coming across the same brand M:Q with reference to Quirijn Mesch. The only one with a surname starting with Q that I found is Crispijn van den Queborn. But then it would have to be C:Q if I follow Jeroen's reasoning. However, everywhere in the family trees there is no Mesch, Mes or Mesh to be found with the first name starting with M. Jeroen can therefore be right about the fact that this is the exception to the rule. Below are a few more examples of his works, each with the same initials. Nice search though 😊








Thank you all, a very interesting discussion! So the pieces marked MQ are all of a date that makes the attribution to Quirinus  Mesch impossible?

Best regards,


In reply to by TrebonianusGallus

in my humble opinion, the pieces from around the middle of the 18th century could have been attributed to Quirinus. Since the date of his death is unknown, this would mean that he would have been 73 years old around 1750, which is possible. All later pieces after the second half of the 18th century would have to be copies or... Someone continued to paint with his initials. It is noticeable that the letter M is separated by a colon on the older pieces  but not on your board, for example.

Very intersting and wrth the further research

mvg Franky

Quirinis Mesch was born Quirinus Joannes Mes, son of Joannes Mes and Catrijna Cleinoven. Born 20/08/1677 and baptized the same day.

After the death of his wife Margaretha den Appel in 1718, he remarried Grietje Merlijn in 1719.

On the older pieces there is a sign under the mark where in many cases a "J" can be recognized. Does this stand for his middle name? e.g. below J49 for 1749 ???

Below is his birth certificate.

Kind regards


Quirinis Mesch is geboren Quirinus Joannes Mes, zoon van Joannes Mes en Catrijna Cleinoven. Geboren 20/08/1677 en dezelfde dag gedoopt.

Na het overlijden van zijn echtgenote Margaretha den Appel in 1718 hertrouwde hij met Grietje Merlijn.

Op de oudere stukken staat onder het merk  een teken waar in veel gevallen een "J" kan worden herkend. Staat dit voor zijn middelste naam? bijvoorbeeld hieronder J49 voor 1749 ???

Hieronder ook zijn geboorte akte.

mvg Franky



Hier nog een voorbeeld gevonden van een vijfdelig kaststel toegeschreven aan Quirinus Mes(ch).

Eveneens M& Q gescheiden door een dubbel punt en te dateren omstreeks 1730-1745. Opvallend aan de stukken uit die periode is de vorm van de M, die heeft onderaan de M telkens een streepje naar rechts en in blokvorm. De andere ( latere periode steeds een andere manier. Stof tot nadenken / opzoeken 😉

kaststel M:Q

merk M:Q

Inderdaad Jeroen, dit stel dateer ik ook ca. 1800.