Part of a tulip vase


This well decorated piece may be part - the top part of a tulip vase - I suggest top because the very top of the vase is decorated because it would have been visible


Can anyone tell me anything about this piece - and its date - thank you

30 h x 25 w x 16 cm d

Reacties 6

My guestimate is Adriaen Kocx, De Grieksche A, around 1695. The photographs from the auction house did not show any marks on the bottom however.

PS: Unless these are  cut flowers, be careful that the plants its strong roots do not destroy the base. 😃


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Is the underside marked? It seems to be a base of a vase from around 1700. 

Als antwoord op door Robert Aronson

Thank you for getting in touch. There is no mark on the base but as it was probably part of a larger tulipiere perhaps not all the individual pieces were marked? Kind regards.